Data is your friend, but can you understand what it's trying to tell you? It can explain how well your processes are working if only you use the right tools. If you're just churning out the standard spreadsheets and charts in the hope that a flash of insight will occur, then you need to put down the metaphorical crystal ball and reach for the magnifying glass, in the form of statistical analysis. Even though statistical rhymes with mystical, the former is based firmly on fact, unlike the latter.
Stability is key before reacting to any process issues and, unless you're a spreadsheet wiz, get some Statistical Process Control (SPC) software and look at your process data via a control chart. It will tell you if your process is statistically stable and if not, where to look for a particular source of variation. Once you have achieved stability, you can move on with further analysis, in the search for that elusive improvement.
A Histogram and descriptive statistics will be useful if you have continuous data and a Pareto will help if you looking at quantities and types of defects. If you need to compare different variables, then Hypothesis testing is the way to go and there are a number of tests available. If your bugbear is delays, then a Value Stream Map (VSM) will highlight the blockages without the need for any complicated math.
There are more tools available to you than in a Bunnings warehouse, so be inspired and get statistical not mystical and understand your data.